About Us

“Let’s build a new Methodist Church in Chesaning!” This idea, until then a vague shadow, was given birth in the Fall of 1962. A Study Committee, appointed by the Official Board to study the matter, set before the Quarterly Conference in the bold recommendations that we (1) purchase a new site; (2) build a new parsonage; (3) build a new Church within 5 years; and (4) invite the congregation of Robinson Church to merge with the congregation at Chesaning in the new building. We felt that God was leading us into a bold new venture.

The first faltering steps were taken in January, 1963, when the Congregations of the Robinson and Chesaning Churches met in a joint Quarterly Conference. Action was taken to merge the two congregations, the building program was approved, a Building committee was established, and the first finance crusade was authorized for the summer of 1963.

Subsequent steps developed the program for building, – including engaging the services of Beach & Waters, Architects; the purchase of an excellent 8 3/4 acre building site on the property of Mrs. Myrtle Walworth; the construction of a new parsonage; and perfecting plans for the new building.

It is thrilling to see a new church building plan grow – the product of many hours of labor by many devoted people. Our Church is designed to serve people. Every committee thought in terms of programming for people. The Worship Committee thought in terms of the congregation as the Family of Godgathering around the table (Communion table) for food (the Sacraments and the Word) and fellowship. The Education Committee planned space and facilities for every age group in our Church to meet their need for religious education. The Fellowship Committee saw the opportunities for spiritual enrichment in fellowship and planned areas tailored to the purpose. Our new Church will be a valuable asset to the Chesaning Community and will contribute valuable service to many groups in many ways.

1629 W. Brady Rd.
Chesaning, MI 48616